Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry exists to become disciples of Jesus Christ through a growing love of God and others.

We aspire to be a community that loves without limits, has faith beyond barriers, and joyfully serves inside and outside of the church.

Gathering Times:

Wednesday Nights

Our middle school meets from 6-8pm

Our high school meets from 7-9pm

*We do a combined dinner and game time from 7-8pm*

Sunday Mornings

Our youth also attends our weekly church service @ 10am

Other Events

Our youth group also meets a few times a month outside Of the above events for a fun outings (i.e. arcades, movies, bowling, etc) and for service events (typically iserve ministries)

To stay informed on these other events, feel free to reach out below or join our remind to receive all updates!

For more information, please contact Our youth director,

Ben gill, via the button below or directly at

As a ministry of the greater Jefferson First United Methodist Church body, we share 4 core values of compassion, courage, connection, and oneness. For our youth group this is expressed through boldly loving God and others in unity with one another.